  • 30 min CORE CONNECTION w/ Amber

    A 30 min core flow, to unite to the strength within

  • 30 min FOCUS w/ Amber

    30 MINS of movement to remind you how to FOCUS your energy.

  • 50 min LUNAR FLOW w/ Amber

    This new moon is a time for deep introspection, intuitive connection, and surrendering to the unknown. Pisces energy is dreamy, fluid, and expansive—inviting us to release control and trust in the magic of the unseen.

  • 40 min LUNAR FLOW w/ Amber

    An energetic, uplifting class designed to align with the radiant energy of the Leo Full Moon. Celebrate authenticity, self-expression, creativity, and heart-centered movement in this joy-filled 30 minutes. Release self-doubt, embrace your unique power, and move with purpose and love—a celebration...

  • 30 min GET LIFTED w/ Amber

    Stabilize from the inside out. Strength work requires focus and discipline. Breathing, deepening connection to the work of the core, and remembering just how strong you are. This 30 min flow is intended to wake and shake up your ability to hold yourself no matter what!

  • 45 min GET POWERFUL

    A 45-minute full-body workout using 5 lb weights to strengthen your arms, back, glutes, and core. Leave feeling powerful from the inside out!

  • 33 min LENGTHEN

    A class for untangling. A full body, mind, soul release into a calm peaceful inner quiet space. Use the tools of breath and transformative movement and stretching to unite to your inner peace

  • 15 min RECOVER | Explore range of motion

    Reimagining mobility, regaining range of motion, going slow, after surgery there are cells and tissues and fascia seeking connection and healing, inspire them to heal well by harmoniously moving the body slowly, awakening the inner symphony once again. Using a FOAM ROLLER or any alternative, go s...


    A classic slow stretch, deep inner work, with beautiful elegant and graceful ways to open and untangle the physical body, the inner thoughts and truly tap into your unique light.